The Black Death Tarpon Fly
The Black Death Saltwater Tarpon fly is a classic Florida Key's fly. The Black Death is a well-known tarpon fly, favored by anglers and guides targeting these powerful fish. Its color combination acts as a great attractor, especially on darker days. This is a fly that will yield results when fishing for Tarpon on the flats or in open water and is the perfect go-to tarpon streamer for low light situations when a strong dark profile is needed. Tied on Daiichi premium stainless-steel saltwater hooks.
*** FREE SHIPPING on combined orders $50.00 or more shipped within the continental United States, Alaska, and Hawaii.
Black Death Classic Tarpon Fly; size 2/0 - 5/0
*** FREE SHIPPING on combined orders $50.00 or more shipped within the continental United States, Alaska, and Hawaii.