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Mikkleson's Epoxy Baitfish

Mikkleson's Epoxy Baitfish is quite possibly the best and most durable sand eel/silverside fly you can buy. These flies have excellent movement in the tail with a rock-solid UV resin body that holds a perfect profile. Swims beautifully and will last fish after fish. Epoxy flies are often used in fly tournaments because of their great durability and effectiveness. Mikkelson’s Epoxy Baitfish, developed by Glenn Mikkelson, is a versatile and durable fly pattern designed to imitate small baitfish. This pattern is particularly effective for targeting species like bass, bluefin tuna, stripe bass and false albacore, especially in the fall when these fish are actively feeding near beaches and jetties. Length approximately 3"- 3-1/2”


Mikkleson's Epoxy Baitfish, 4 color choices, size 2 & 4

  • *** FREE SHIPPING on combined orders $50.00 or more shipped within the continental United States, Alaska, and Hawaii.

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